
con|strain «kuhn STRAYN», transitive verb.
1. to force; compel; oblige: »

The principal was constrained to punish the rude boy.

SYNONYM(S): coerce.
2. to confine; imprison: »

The wild animal was bound and constrained.

SYNONYM(S): restrict.
3. to restrain; repress: »

to constrain a cough during a concert.

SYNONYM(S): suppress.
4. to force or produce by straining: »

to constrain a nervous laugh.

SYNONYM(S): strain.
5. Obsolete. to compress; contract. SYNONYM(S): constrict.
[< Old French constreindre < Latin constringere < com- together + stringere pull tightly]
con|strain´a|ble, adjective.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.