
con|spic|u|ous «kuhn SPIHK yu uhs», adjective.
1. easily seen; clearly visible: »

A traffic sign should be placed where it is conspicuous.

SYNONYM(S): noticeable. See syn. under prominent. (Cf.prominent)
2. attracting notice; worthy of notice; remarkable: »

an actress of conspicuous charm. Abraham Lincoln is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded.

SYNONYM(S): striking, manifest, notable, noteworthy, eminent.
3. ostentatious; pretentious: »

conspicuous waste, conspicuous consumers.

[< Latin conspicuus (with English -ous) visible < conspicere; see etym. under conspectus (Cf.conspectus)B>
con|spic´u|ous|ly, adverb.
con|spic´u|ous|ness, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.