
con|sole1 «kuhn SOHL», transitive verb, -soled, -sol|ing.
to ease the grief or sorrow of; comfort: »

The policeman consoled the lost child by speaking kindly to him and giving him some candy.

SYNONYM(S): soothe, cheer, solace. See syn. under comfort. (Cf.comfort)
[< Middle French consoler, learned borrowing from Latin consōlārī < com- (intensive) + sōlārī soothe]
con|sol´a|ble, adjective.
con|sol´er, noun.
con|sole2 «KON sohl», noun.
1. the part of an organ containing the keyboard, stops, and pedals.
2. a panel, usually of buttons, switches, and dials, used to control electrical or electronic equipment in a computer, automobile, missile, or other device.
3. a radio, television, or phonograph cabinet made to stand on the floor.
4. a vertical, or upright, piano larger than a spinet, standing 39 to 41 inches high: »

Consoles, by and large, have actions that more closely approximate the feel of a grand. The console's longer strings are supposed to produce a better base, and its larger sounding board, of course, gives it tonal superiority (New Yorker).

5. any cabinet used to house a machine, piece of equipment, or the like: »

The…Medical Gas Monitor is a complete, mobile console (Science).

6. Architecture. a heavy, ornamental bracket, especially one more or less in the shape of a scroll, for supporting a cornice or bust.
7. = console table. (Cf.console table)
[< French console beam, support]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.