
con|sent «kuhn SEHNT», verb, noun.
1. to agree; give approval or permission: »

My father would not consent to my staying up past 10 p.m.

2. Archaic. to agree in opinion; be of the same mind.
1. agreement; permission; approval: »

We have mother's consent to go swimming.

SYNONYM(S): assent.
2. agreement by a group as to a course of action: »

with one consent, by common consent.

3. Archaic. agreement or unity of opinion; unanimity.
[< Old French consentir < Latin consentīre < com- together + sentīre feel, think]
con|sent´er, noun.
Synonym Study intransitive verb. 1 Consent, assent, concur mean to agree. Consent means to agree to something by approving willingly or by giving in to the wishes of others: »

He consented to run for president.

Assent means to agree with something, by accepting it or expressing approval of it: »

He assented to the suggested change in plans.

Concur, more formal, means to agree with others about something, by having the same opinion: »

The majority concurred in the decision to raise the dues.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.