
con|fine «verb. kuhn FYN; noun. KON fyn», verb, -fined, -fin|ing, noun.
1. to keep within limits; restrict: »

He confined his reading to biography. He confined himself to two meals a day.

SYNONYM(S): restrain.
2. to keep indoors; shut in: »

A cold confined him to the house.

3. to imprison: »

For two years he was confined in the Bastille.

SYNONYM(S): jail.
Rare. to have a common boundary (with); border (on).
[< Middle French confiner < Old French confins; see the noun]
1. Often, confines. a) boundary; border; limit: »

These people have never been beyond the confines of their own valley.

b) a border or frontier.
2. Obsolete. a) a region, territory. b) a place of confinement.
3. Archaic. confinement; limitation.
[< Old French confins boundaries, learned borrowing from Medieval Latin confines, ultimately < Latin < com- together + fīnis border]
con|fin´a|ble, adjective.
con|fine´less, adjective.
con|fin´er, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.