
con|fig|u|ra|tion «kuhn FIHG yuh RAY shuhn», noun.
1. the manner of arrangement; form; shape; outline: »

Geographers study the configuration of the surface of the earth.

SYNONYM(S): conformation; contour.
2. Psychology. = Gestalt. (Cf.Gestalt)
3. Astronomy. a) the relative position of heavenly bodies, especially of the sun, moon, and planets. b) any grouping of stars.
4. the relative spatial positions of atoms in a molecule: »

In any particular molecule, atom, or nucleus, the constituent particles can usually exist in a variety of configurations (J. Little).

[< Latin cōnfigūrātiō, -ōnis < cōnfigūrāre form after a pattern < com- with + figūra a form]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.