
con|fes|sion «kuhn FEHSH uhn», noun.
1. an owning up; acknowledgment; admission: »

the confession of a fault or weakness. ... to force from their prisoners the confession of hidden treasure (Edward Gibbon).

2. admission of guilt: »

to make full confession.

3. a) the telling of one's sins to a priest in order to obtain forgiveness: »

Confession is good for the soul.

b) the thing confessed.
4. a) the acknowledging of sin or sinfulness, especially as made in liturgical form in public worship. b) the form used.
5. = confession of faith. (Cf.confession of faith)
6. a group of believers adhering to the same creed; communion.
7. the tomb, altar, or shrine of a martyr or confessor.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.