
fine arts
the study and creation of visual works of art (Freq. 2)
Syn: ↑beaux arts
Members of this Topic:
painterly, ↑classical, ↑classic, ↑nonclassical, ↑bastardized, ↑bastardised, ↑primitive, ↑naive, ↑conventional, ↑formal, ↑schematic, ↑geometric, ↑geometrical, ↑hieratic, ↑texture, ↑reproduce
Hypernyms: ↑humanistic discipline, ↑humanities, ↑liberal arts, ↑arts
Hyponyms: ↑painting, ↑sculpture, ↑carving, ↑architecture

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fine art or fine arts see under ↑art1
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Main Entry:fine

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fine arts,
1. the arts depending upon taste and appealing to the sense of beauty; painting, drawing, sculpture, and architecture. Literature, music, dancing, and acting are also often included in the fine arts.
2. sing. in use the fine arts as constituting a department of practice or study.

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fine ˈart [fine art] noun uncountable (also fine ˈarts plural)
forms of art, especially painting, drawing and ↑sculpture, that are created to be beautiful rather than useful

Useful english dictionary. 2012.