
find out
1. establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study (Freq. 33)

find the product of two numbers


The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize

Syn: ↑determine, ↑find, ↑ascertain
Derivationally related forms: ↑ascertainable (for: ↑ascertain), ↑find (for: ↑find), ↑finding (for: ↑find), ↑determination (for: ↑determine)
gauge, ↑translate, ↑rectify, ↑redetermine, ↑sequence, ↑refract, ↑count, ↑number, ↑enumerate, ↑numerate, ↑admeasure, ↑situate, ↑locate
Verb Group:
determine, ↑check, ↑see, ↑ascertain, ↑watch, ↑learn, ↑discover, ↑find
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s whether INFINITIVE

2. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally (Freq. 17)

I learned that she has two grown-up children


I see that you have been promoted

learn, ↑hear, ↑get word, ↑get wind, ↑pick up, ↑get a line, ↑discover, ↑see
Derivationally related forms: ↑discovery (for: ↑discover)
get the goods, ↑wise up, ↑trip up, ↑catch, ↑ascertain, ↑discover, ↑find
Verb Group: ↑witness, ↑find, ↑see
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s that CLAUSE

(for: ↑see)

Somebody ——s that CLAUSE

(for: ↑discover)

Somebody ——s PP

(for: ↑get a line)

Somebody ——s PP

(for: ↑get wind)

Somebody ——s

(for: ↑get word)

Somebody ——s that CLAUSE

(for: ↑hear)

Somebody ——s that CLAUSE

(for: ↑learn)

They find out that there was a traffic accident

3. find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort (Freq. 1)

I want to see whether she speaks French


See whether it works


find out if he speaks Russian


Check whether the train leaves on time

Syn: ↑determine, ↑check, ↑see, ↑ascertain, ↑watch, ↑learn
Derivationally related forms: ↑ascertainable (for: ↑ascertain), ↑check (for: ↑check), ↑determination (for: ↑determine)
Hyponyms: ↑test
Verb Group:
see, ↑check, ↑insure, ↑see to it, ↑ensure, ↑control, ↑ascertain, ↑assure, ↑determine, ↑find
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s whether INFINITIVE


They find out whether there was a traffic accident

4. trap; especially in an error or in a reprehensible act

He was caught out


She was found out when she tried to cash the stolen checks

Syn: ↑catch out
Hypernyms: ↑detect, ↑observe, ↑find, ↑discover, ↑notice
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody

* * *

find out [phrasal verb]
1 find out (something) : to learn (something) by making an effort

I'd like to find out more about the school's psychology program.

We need to find out where the meeting is being held.

I don't know when the game starts, but I'll find out.

2 find out about (something) : to become aware of (something)

Her mother found out about her smoking habit.

3 find (someone) out : to learn the unpleasant truth about (someone)

He pretended to be a respectable citizen, but we found him out at last.

Luckily, he was found out before he could do any harm.

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Main Entry:find

Useful english dictionary. 2012.