
fend off
prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening

Let's avoid a confrontation


head off a confrontation


avert a strike

debar, ↑forefend, ↑forfend, ↑obviate, ↑deflect, ↑avert, ↑head off, ↑stave off, ↑avoid, ↑ward off
Derivationally related forms: ↑avoidable (for: ↑avoid), ↑avertible (for: ↑avert), ↑avertable (for: ↑avert), ↑obviation (for: ↑obviate)
Hypernyms: ↑prevent, ↑forestall, ↑foreclose, ↑preclude, ↑forbid
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something

* * *

fend off [phrasal verb]
fend off (someone or something) or fend (someone or something) off : to defend yourself against (someone or something)

They succeeded in fending off the attack/attackers.

They have had to fend off allegations of voter fraud.

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Main Entry:fend

Useful english dictionary. 2012.