
feel sick
feel sick phrase
to feel that food that you have eaten is going to come out of your stomach through your mouth

The thought of losing his child made him feel physically sick.

Thesaurus: feeling sick and vomitinghyponym general words for illnesses, diseases and medical conditionssynonym
Main entry: sick

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feel sick
1 US : to feel ill

I was feeling sick, so I went home early.

2 : to feel like you will vomit

After eating a whole plate of cookies, I felt sick.

3 US : to feel very upset

I feel sick about what happened.

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Main Entry:sick

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feel ˈsick idiom
(especially BrE) to feel as though you will ↑vomit soon

Mum! I feel sick.

Main entry:feelidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.