
fart about
fart about

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ˌfart a ˈbout ˌfart a ˈround [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they fart about he/she/it farts about present participle farting about past tense farted about past participle farted about] impolite phrasal verb
to waste time doing silly or unimportant things
Thesaurus: to waste time, or to pass time doing unimportant thingssynonym
Main entry: fart

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ˌfart aˈround derived
(BrE also ˌfart aˈbout) (taboo, slang) to waste time by behaving in a silly way

Stop farting around and give me a hand with this!

Main entry:fartderived

Useful english dictionary. 2012.