
throw down the gauntlet
throw down the gauntlet see under ↑gauntlet1
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Main Entry:throw

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throw down the gauntlet phrase
to make it clear that you want to argue or fight with someone about something
Thesaurus: to arguehyponym arguments and arguingsynonym
Main entry: gauntlet

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see gauntlet I

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throw down the gauntlet
: to say or show that you are ready to fight, argue, or compete with someone : to challenge someone

The company threw down the gauntlet and told the union that this offer for a contract was final.

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Main Entry:gauntlet

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throw down the ˈgauntlet idiom
to invite sb to fight or compete with you

She has thrown down the gauntlet to the newspaper by accusing it of libel.

Main entry:gauntletidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.