
Gantt chart
Gantt chart /gant chärt/
A form of bar chart used to show progress in a production system, showing predicted production figures over a fixed period of time, and updated with actual figures for comparison
ORIGIN: Henry L Gantt (1861–1919), US management consultant

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Gantt chart UK [ˈɡænt ˌtʃɑː(r)t] US [ˈɡænt ˌtʃɑrt] noun [countable] [singular Gantt chart plural Gantt charts] business
a tool used in planning a project, which shows pieces of work and the time periods within which they should be done http://www.macmillandictionary.com/med2cd/weblinks/gantt-chart.htm
Thesaurus: graphs, charts and diagramshyponym

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n. a chart in which a series of horizontal lines shows the amount of work done or production completed in certain periods of time in relation to the amount planned for those periods
early 20th cent.: named after Henry L. Gantt (1861 - 1919), American management consultant

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Gantt chart 8 [Gantt chart] [ˈɡænt tʃɑːt] [ˈɡænt tʃɑːrt] noun (business)
a chart used for managing the tasks involved in a project that shows when each stage should start and end and compares the amount of work done with the amount planned

Useful english dictionary. 2012.