
deposit account
a savings account in which the deposit is held for a fixed term or in which withdrawals can be made only after giving notice or with loss of interest
Syn: ↑time deposit account
Hypernyms: ↑savings account

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1. Britain : a bank account requiring advance notice of withdrawals and earning interest : savings account
2. : the bank account of any depositor

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deposit account noun
A bank account usu used for savings, in which money is lodged to gain interest, and for which cheques are not used
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Main Entry:deposit

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deposit account UK US noun [countable] [singular deposit account plural deposit accounts]
a savings account at a bank
Thesaurus: types of bank accounthyponym

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noun, pl ⋯ -counts [count]
chiefly Brit :savings account

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deˈposit account [deposit account] noun (BrE)
a type of account at a bank or ↑building society that pays interest on money that is left in it
compare current account

Useful english dictionary. 2012.