
I. \\ˈkau̇ntə(r)+ˌ-\ noun
Etymology: counter- + brace
: a brace counteracting the strain of another brace:
a. : the brace of the fore-topsail on the leeward side of a ship
b. : counter V 4c
II. \\| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+\ verb
Etymology: counter- + brace
: to brace in opposite directions

counterbrace a ship's yards

also : to brace so that opposite stresses are resisted

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/kown"teuhr brays'/, n. Engin., Building Trades.
a web member of a truss subject to tension or compression under varying conditions.
[1815-25; COUNTER- + BRACE]

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counˈterbrace transitive verb (nautical)
To brace or fasten (the head-yards and after-yards) in opposite ways
The lee-brace of the foretopsail-yard
• • •
Main Entry:counter-

Useful english dictionary. 2012.