
court of domestic relations
a court in some states in the United States that has jurisdiction over family disputes (especially those involving children)
Syn: ↑family court, ↑domestic relations court
Hypernyms: ↑court, ↑tribunal, ↑judicature

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: a court having jurisdiction of family disputes that involve the rights and duties of husband and wife and parent and child especially in matters affecting support, custody, and welfare of children and often having advisory and investigative powers and the assistance of psychiatrists, physicians, and other experts — called also family court; compare juvenile court

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a court, usually with a limited jurisdiction, that handles legal cases involving a family, esp. controversies between parent and child or husband and wife. Also called domestic-relations court, family court. Cf. juvenile court.

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court of domestic relations,
a court that may decide legal issues between members of a family; domestic relations court.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.