
\\ˈtēməˌnīt\ noun (-s)
Etymology: German tiemannit, from W. Tiemann, 19th century German scientist who discovered it + German -it -ite
: a mineral HgSe that is a native mercuric selenide and occurs commonly in dark gray or nearly black masses of metallic luster (sp. gr. 8.2-8.5)

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/tee"meuh nuyt'/, n.
a mineral, mercuric selenide, HgSe, occurring in the form of a compact mass of gray crystals.
[ < G Tiemannit (1855), after W. Tiemann, German scientist who found it; see -ITE1]

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tiemannite Min.
[ad. Ger. Tiemannit, named by Neumann, 1855, from the discoverer, Tiemann: see -ite1 2 b.]
Native selenide of mercury, occurring in dark grey masses or granules with a metallic lustre.
Dana Min. 56.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.