
\\ˈfyüdərē\ noun (-es)
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin feodarius, from feodum + Latin -arius -ary
a. : a feudal tenant : vassal
b. : subject, dependent, servant
2. : an officer of the ancient English Court of Wards appointed to receive rents
3. [influenced in meaning by Latin foeder-, foedus league — more at federal] obsolete : confederate, accomplice
4. [Middle English, from Medieval Latin feodarium, from feodum + Latin -arium -ary] : a book compiling the details of feudal duties and services

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/fyooh"deuh ree/, n., pl. feodaries.
1. a feudal vassal.
2. Obs. a confederate or accomplice.
[1350-1400; ME feodarie < ML feodarius. See FEUD2, -ARY]

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feodary, feodatory
see feu-.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.