
United States Marines
an amphibious division of the United States Navy
Syn: ↑United States Marine Corps, ↑Marine Corps, ↑US Marine Corps, ↑USMC
Hypernyms: ↑Marines
Part Holonyms: ↑United States Navy, ↑US Navy, ↑USN, ↑Navy
Member Meronyms: ↑Marine, ↑devil dog, ↑leatherneck, ↑shipboard soldier
Part Meronyms: ↑Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, ↑MCIA

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the United States Marine Corps [the United States Marine Corps] (also the United States Marines)
a US armed service that is part of the US Navy. It was established by ↑Congress in 1798 as the only service trained to fight on the sea, on land and in the air. The Marines became well known during ↑World War II when they successfully attacked the Pacific islands occupied by the Japanese. They were also active in the ↑Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the war in Iraq.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.