
turbofan engine
a jet engine in which a fan driven by a turbine provides extra air to the burner and gives extra thrust (Freq. 1)
Syn: ↑fanjet, ↑fan-jet, ↑fanjet engine, ↑turbojet, ↑turbojet engine, ↑turbofan
Hypernyms: ↑jet engine
Part Holonyms:
fanjet, ↑fan-jet, ↑turbofan, ↑turbojet, ↑propjet, ↑turboprop, ↑turbo-propeller plane
Part Meronyms: ↑afterburner, ↑gas turbine

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tur|bo|fan «TUR boh FAN», noun. or turbofan engine,
a turbojet in which a fan forces low-pressure air through ducts into the hot turbine exhaust at the pressure of the turbine exhaust; fan-jet.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.