
any of various small to minute sucking insects with narrow feathery wings if any; they feed on plant sap and many are destructive
Syn: ↑thrips, ↑thrip
Hypernyms: ↑thysanopter, ↑thysanopteron, ↑thysanopterous insect
Hyponyms: ↑tobacco thrips, ↑Frankliniella fusca, ↑onion thrips, ↑onion louse, ↑Thrips tobaci
Member Holonyms: ↑Thripidae, ↑family Thripidae

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I. \\ˈthripə̇d\ adjective
Etymology: New Latin Thripidae
: of or relating to the family Thripidae
II. noun (-s)
Etymology: New Latin Thripidae
: an insect of the family Thripidae : thrips

Useful english dictionary. 2012.