
Egyptian Moon deity with the head of an ibis; god of wisdom and learning and the arts; scribe of the gods
Instance Hypernyms: ↑Egyptian deity

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/thohth, toht/, n. Egyptian Religion.
the god of wisdom, learning, and magic represented as a man with the head either of an ibis or of a baboon.

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Thoth /thōth, thoth/
The ancient Egyptian ibis-headed god of art, science, etc
ORIGIN: Gr Thōth, from Egyp Tehuti

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Thoth «thohth, toht», noun.
the ancient Egyptian god of speech, wisdom, and magic, and, as the scribe of the gods, inventor of letters and numbers, identified with the Greek god Hermes. He is represented with a human body and the head of an ibis or a baboon.

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[THôTH; tōt]
Egyptian Mythology a moon god, the god of wisdom, justice, and writing, patron of the sciences, and messenger of Ra

Useful english dictionary. 2012.