
third eye
a sensory structure capable of light reception located on the dorsal side of the diencephalon in various reptiles
Syn: ↑pineal eye
Hypernyms: ↑sense organ, ↑sensory receptor, ↑receptor
Part Holonyms: ↑diencephalon, ↑interbrain, ↑betweenbrain, ↑thalmencephalon

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1. See pineal eye.
2. intuition.

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third eye noun (informal)
1. The pineal gland
2. An organ supposed to enable extrasensory perception
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Main Entry:third

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1) Hinduism the locus of occult power and wisdom in the forehead of a deity, esp. the god Shiva
the "eye of insight" located in the forehead, which can be activated through the practice of yoga
2) informal term for pineal eye

Useful english dictionary. 2012.