
think over
reflect deeply on a subject (Freq. 3)

I mulled over the events of the afternoon


philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years


The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate

chew over, ↑meditate, ↑ponder, ↑excogitate, ↑contemplate, ↑muse, ↑reflect, ↑mull, ↑mull over, ↑ruminate, ↑speculate
Derivationally related forms:
speculative (for: ↑speculate), ↑speculation (for: ↑speculate), ↑ruminative (for: ↑ruminate), ↑rumination (for: ↑ruminate), ↑ruminator (for: ↑ruminate), ↑muller (for: ↑mull), ↑reflective (for: ↑reflect), ↑muse (for: ↑muse), ↑muser (for: ↑muse), ↑musing (for: ↑muse), ↑contemplative (for: ↑contemplate), ↑contemplation (for: ↑contemplate), ↑excogitative (for: ↑excogitate), ↑ponderer (for: ↑ponder), ↑meditative (for: ↑meditate), ↑meditation (for: ↑meditate)
Hypernyms: ↑think, ↑cogitate, ↑cerebrate
premeditate, ↑theologize, ↑theologise, ↑introspect, ↑bethink, ↑cogitate, ↑wonder, ↑question, ↑puzzle, ↑study, ↑consider
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s PP


Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s something

(for: ↑chew over)

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think over
To reconsider at leisure
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Main Entry:think

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ˌthink ˈover [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they think over he/she/it thinks over present participle thinking over past tense thought over past participle thought over] phrasal verb
to consider a problem or decision carefully

Let’s think over his proposal before we see him again.

Thesaurus: to think carefully or a lot about thingssynonym
Main entry: think

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think over [phrasal verb]
think (something) over or think over (something) : to think about (something) for a period of time especially in an effort to understand or make a decision about it

I'll give you time to think the matter over.

Think it over, and let me know what you decide.

I've thought over what you said, and you're right.

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Main Entry:think

Useful english dictionary. 2012.