
Спасение утопающего - дело рук самого утопающего
One must соре with his problems himself See Всяк за себя (B), Живи всяк своим умом да своим горбом (Ж)
Cf: Every man must carry his own sack to the mill (Br.). Every man must stand on his own two feet (Am.). Every man must stand on his own two legs (Br.). Everyone for himself (Am., Br.). Every pot must stand upon its own bottom (Am.). Let every peddler carry his own pack (Am.), Let every pedlar carry his own burden (pack) (Br.). Let every pig dig for herself (Br.). Let every tub stand on its own bottom (Am., Br.). Let him save himself who can (Am.). Self-help is the best help (Am.). Self preservation is the first law of nature (Am., Br.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.