
Клин клином вышибают
Con sequences of some action or condition should be eliminated by means similar to those that caused them. See Чем ушибся, тем и лечись (4) Cf: Dangers are conquered by dangers (Am.). Dangers are overcome by dangers (Br.). Desperate cures to desperate ills apply (Am.). Desperate diseases must have desperate cures (Am.). Desperate diseases require desperate cures (Br.). Desperate evils require desperate remedies (Am.). Fight fire with fire (Am., Br.). Fight the devil with his own tools, or fight the devil with fire (Am.). Habit cures (is overcome by) habit (Br.). The hair of the dog is good for the bite (is the cure of his bite) (Am.). Like cures like (Am., Br.). One nail drives out another (Am., Br.). A peg is driven out by a peg, a nail by a nail (Am.). Take a hair of the dog that bit you (Br.). Take the hair of the same dog that bit you, and it will heal the wound (Am.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.