
отбою нет
ОТБОЯ <-ю> НЕТкого) от кого coll
[VP, impers]
there are more than enough or too many of a certain type or category of people:
- (y X-a) от Y-ов отбоя нет{{}} X has no end of Ys;
- there is no end to the Ys;
- [in limited contexts] X has to beat (the) Ys off with a stick;
- X can't fight off the Ys;
- there is no coping with the Ys.
     ♦ ...[Дедушка был] красавец, много разъезжал, привык к холостой жизни и, понимаете, к какой холостой жизни, от женщин у него отбоя не было... (Рыбаков 1). ...Не [grandfather] was a very handsome man, who had travelled a lot and become accustomed to the bachelor life, and what a bachelor life! He'd had no end of women... (1a).
     ♦ [Фёдор:] Теперь: женский пол - опять то же... Какое количество у него их перебывало, так этого и вообразить не можно [ungrammat = нельзя]!.. Просто отбою нет (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [F:] And the fair sex-the same thing all over again. ...How many of them he's had, you couldn't even begin to imagine!...He can't fight them off (2b).
     Бабушка... была, как говорят, невероятно соблазнительна, настолько, что от поклонников не было отбоя... (Аллилуева 1). It is said that she [Grandmother] was unusually attractive, so that there was no coping with all her admirers (1a).

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.