
как у людей
ВСЁ КАК У ЛЮДЕЙ (у кого, где) coll
[как + PrepP; Invar; subj-compl with быть (subj: все)]
things are (or are done) the way they should be:
- everything is (being done) as it should be;
- everything is (just) as (the way) it's supposed to be;
- everything is being done the way it's supposed to;
|| Neg всё не как у людей disapprov everything is (being done) all wrong;
- nothing is the way it's supposed to be;
- nothing is being done the way ift supposed to.
     ♦ Виктор представил себе уютный вечерок: ...бутылка, шампанское шипит в фужерах, перевязанная ленточкой коробка шоколаду и сам адвокат, запакованный в крахмал, галстук бабочкой. Всё как у людей... (Стругацкие 1). Victor imagined a comfortable tete-k-tete:...a bottle, champagne fizzing in crystal glasses, a box of chocolates tied up with a ribbon, and the lawyer himself, all starched up and wearing a bow tie. Everything just as it's supposed to be... (1a)

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.