
входить в жизнь
1. Also: ВХОДИТЬ/ВОЙТИ В БЫТ [subj: abstr]
to become an accepted, common phenomenon in life:
- X вошёл в жизнь{{}} X became a part of (everyday) life;
- X became rooted in daily life.
     ♦ Этот обычай давно вошёл в жизнь. This custom became a part of life long ago.
2. входить в жизнь чью, какую, чего [subj: human]
to adapt to and become an active participant in new surroundings, a new environment:
- X вошел в Y-ову жизнь{{}} X adapted to Y's way of life <Y's life style>;
|| X быстро вошел в городскую жизнь <в жизнь института и т. п.> X quickly got into the swing of city (institute etc) life;
- X quickly adapted (adjusted) to city (institute etc) life.
3. Also: ВСТУПАТЬ/ВСТУПИТЬ В ЖИЗНЬ [subj: human]
to begin to function as an independent member of society:
- X вступает в жизнь{{}} X is starting (setting) out in life.

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.