
делать свое дело
1. [subj: human]
to perform one's specific function or role:
- X делал своё дело{{}} X did his work <job, thing>;
- X went about his business;
- [in limited contexts] X did his part;
- X did what he was supposed to <had to> do.
     ♦ В саду уже порядочно и иностранных корреспондентов, фоторепортеров и кинооператоров. Они - спокойные, деловитые... и умело, без лишней суеты делают свое дело (Гладков 1). By now there were also a good many foreign correspondents, photographers and newsreel men in the garden. They were calm and business - I ike... they did their job impassively, without fuss (1a).
     ♦ "Мужики... делают свое дело, ни за чем не тянутся; а теперь развратятся!" (Гончаров 1). "The peasants... went about their business and asked for nothing, but now they'll be corrupted!" (1a).
     ♦ Нет, полностью отрицать заслуги того, который сидел в метро, я не буду. Он [Сталин] тоже свое дело делал: и трубку курил, и жирным пальцем глобус мусолил, указывая, куда какую кинуть дивизию... (Войнович 4). No. I will not completely deny the merits of the man who lived in the metro. He [Stalin] did his part too-he smoked his pipe, he soiled his globe with a greasy finger, indicating where a division was to be hurled... (4a).
     ♦ В двадцатых годах все понемногу учили Мандельштама, в тридцатых на него показывали пальцами, а он жил, поплевывая, в окружении дикарей и делал свое дело (Мандельштам 2). In the twenties everybody tried to reason with M[andelstam], but in the thirties they were already pointing their fingers at him; not concealing his distaste, he went on living among the barbarians and did what he had to do (2a).
2. [subj: abstr or concr]
to produce its usual result, influence s.o., make itself felt:
- X делал (сделал) своё дело{{}} X did its work <job>;
- X began to have <X had> its effect <way>;
- [of age, illness etc] X began to take <X had taken> its toll;
- [impfv only] X began to tell on person Y.
     ♦ Иногда, уязвленные пренебрежением покупателей, чегемцы увозили назад свои продукты, говоря: ничего, сами съедим. Впрочем, таких гордецов оставалось все меньше и меньше, деспотия рынка делала свое дело (Искандер 3). Sometimes, stung by the contempt of the customers, the Chegemians would cart their produce back: All right, then, we'll eat it ourselves. As time went on, however, there were fewer and fewer people so arrogant; the despotism of the marketplace did its work (3a).
     ♦ ...В общем, это хорошо, что меня показали по телевизору. Слух об этом сегодня же облетит всю Москву и сделает свое дело (Зиновьев 2). ...On the whole it's a good thing that I've been seen on television. The news'll be round all Moscow by this evening, and it'll have its effect (2a).
     ♦ Быть может, возраст все же делает свое дело и вместе с проплешинами и серебряными искорками, вместе с разными "звоночками", появляется и у их хамоватого поколения вкус к истинной дружбе? (Аксенов 6). Perhaps age was, after all, beginning to tell on them, and along with patches of mold, spots before the eyes, and ringing in the ears, even their boorish generation was developing a taste for true friendship? (6a).

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.