
ВСЕМ СЕСТРАМ ПО СЕРЬГАМ (saying) ( usu. in refer, to reprimands, criticism etc) absolutely everyone gets something: = no one is left out (spared) everyone gets what he deserves (what is coming to him) (in limited contexts) he (she etc) gives everyone a hard time (a piece of his/her mind, a beating etc)
(author's usage) И вот кабы не Анфиса Петровна - ставь крест на всей затее с сенокосом. А Анфиса Петровна всем по серьге выдала (Абрамов 1). So if it hadn't been for Anfisa Petrovna, he (Mikhail) could have kissed the whole harvest idea goodbye. But Anfisa Petrovna had given them all a piece of her mind (1a).

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.