
Identifying with one's physical gender. Also: cis-gender, cisgendered.
Example Citations:
"We don't call being cisgender — which is when our bodies match up with our internal sense of gender — a personal choice. Both are about being who you are," she said.
—Lauren La Rose, " 'Dancing' star Bono carries transgender flag: http://www.thespec.com/print/article/597336," The Hamilton Spectator, September 21, 2011
But when you have a term for one group of people, you need a word for the rest, and the one they've come up with is "cisgender". So the huge majority of us are now, "members of the cisgender community".
—Simon Hoggart, " Simon Hoggart's week: Changing the gender agenda: http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2011/jun/25/simon-hoggarts-week," The Guardian, June 25, 2011
Earliest Citation:
Issues of interest are transphobia, hostility, general knowledge and understanding, attitudes of the queer community and cisgendered people, etc.
—Dana Leland Defosse, " transgender research: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.transgendered/browse_thread/thread/69c04e35666a9a1b/69ebde0bf2af8dc6," alt.tansgendered, May 25, 1994
This term combines the Latin prefix cis-, "the same side as," and gender to create an antonym for the more common term transgender, "identifying with aspects of both the male and female genders." Similar terms are cissexual, cisman, ciswoman, and cisperson.
Related Words:
Brokeback marriage
Gay and Lesbian

New words. 2013.