
Temporarily hijacking another person's cell phone by sending it an anonymous text message using the Bluetooth wireless networking system.
bluejack v.
bluejacker n.
Example Citations:
Phone owners now have something else to do with their handset: bluejacking. This involves sending anonymous text messages to other phone users via Bluetooth short-range radio. Bluetooth works over a range of about 10 metres and phones fitted with it can be made to search for other handsets using it that will accept messages sent to them. Mobile phone buffs have been bluejacking for months but it now looks set to become much more widespread.
— "New mobile message craze spreads," BBC News, November 4, 2003
The group of lanky tourists strolling through Stockholm's old town never knew what hit them.
As they admired Swedish handicrafts in a storefront window, one of their cell phones chirped with an anonymous note: "Try the blue sweaters. They keep you warm in the winter."
The tourist was "bluejacked" — surreptitiously surprised with a text message sent using a short-range wireless technology called Bluetooth.
As more people get Bluetooth-enabled cell phones — both sender and recipient need them for this to work — there is bound to be more mischievous messaging of the unsuspecting.
It's a growing fad, this fun with wireless.
Already, Web sites are offering tips on bluejacking, and collections of startled reactions are popping up on the Internet.
— Matt Moore, "Cell phone messaging takes a mischievous turn," The Associated Press, November 13, 2003
First Use:
I was in the bank today and was waiting for my number to be called as there was many people in the bank. Out of boredom, I did a Bluetooth discovery to see if there was any other Bluetooth device around. A name appeared on my screen "Nokia 7650" which obviously means some poor Nokia users has his Bluetooth switched on.
I looked around and didn't see anybody around me using that brick... I mean Nokia 7650. I then proceeded to create a new contact in my phone which had all it's fields empty except for the first name which I gladly filled with "Buy Ericsson!" and made my R520 send that business card to the Nokia 7650 and a guy a few feet away from me suddenly had his 7650 making obscene noises in the bank. He took out his 7650 and started looking at his phone (and looking lost at the same time).
I couldn't contain myself and left the bank. Thought I'd share this story with all.
Maybe we should do this more often in public.
— ajack, "I did something naughty today!," www.esato.com, December 16, 2002
We need a name for this! ...
How about calling it ajacking?
Since it was ajack who started this thread.
— ste_dexter, "Re: I did something naughty today!," www.esato.com, January 5, 2003
I call it \"bluejacking\" a phone. :-D
— ajack, "Re: I did something naughty today!," www.esato.com, January 5, 2003
Both the practice and the name of this prank were invented by a user named "ajack" who prowls the wireless forums on the esato.com site. The first use reproduces several messages from that site that detail the genesis of the concept and the word. For more about Bluetooth, see my piconet entry.
Related Words:
war chalking
war driving
Hacking and Hackers
Cell Phones
a good Bluejacking Tool for mobile phones is blueshoot.
Download it at www.blueshoot.net for free!People always searching for the right tools.
Different devices uses different software for bluejacking. You can find a host of software at http://www.bluejackingtools.com coolThanks for the references. It's amazing how far back bluejacking started.I think it is funny how people say bluetooth cell phone spying is not possible but the military has been doing that sort of stuff for decades.

New words. 2013.