A person who craves or has a special fondness for vegetables. Also: vegevore. [Blend of vegetable and -vore.]
Example Citations:
These chefs and their devoted clientele are less vegetarians than vegivores, a term that connotes fervid vegetable love rather than ardent meat hate. It's a subtle but important distinction. For the vegivore, a vegetable can occupy the center of the plate, with meat adding flavor or functioning as a condiment.
—Robin Raisfeld and Rob Patronite, " Vegetables Are the New Meat: http://nymag.com/restaurants/features/69369/," New York Magazine, November 15, 2010
"Tomato biscuit": A crisp disk of concentrated tomato, served with basil butter and gold leaf. The Eucharist for vegivores.
—Blake Gopnik, " A Critic's Dinner: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/09/22/AR2009092203136.html," The Washington Post, September 23, 2009
Earliest Citation:
Here it is — a traditional British dish that is suitable for all classes, vegivores or carnivores, and one which suggests a decadent, couch-potato sort of life like other great British delicacies such as Spotted Dick, Steamed Treacle Pudding, Steak and Kidney pudding and that pinnacle of very decadence itself, Jam Roly Poly.
—"Toad in the Hole," Bristol Evening Post, January 29, 2000
A <google books="" citations="" earlier="" for="" returns="" search="" two="">vegivore, one from 1993 and one from 1990. Unfortunately, clicking through to the books doesn't provide clean citations. The 1990 cite appears to be a nonce coinage (the partial line that appears seems to refer to a "Foubian Vegivore," whatever that might be); and, maddeningly, the page from the 1993 book doesn't show the word vegivore in context at all.
Related Words:
New words. 2013.