
straight supremacist
A person who believes that heterosexuals are innately superior to homosexuals and that the latter do not deserve equal treatment under the law. — adj.
straight supremacy n.
Example Citations:
The Nov. 18 ruling by the Massachusetts Supreme Court, effectively striking down the state's ban on same-sex marriage, enshrines everything America stands for: Equality, personal freedom, separation of church and state and "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," to name a few. Hardly an official edict declaring "Gay is great," it affirms personal freedom, nothing more.
Unsurprisingly, straight supremacist groups such as the American "Family" Association and the "Family" Research Council are fearful that they might no longer be able to depend on the state to undermine same-sex relationships by denying their existence and disregarding the couple's wishes.
— Chris Kelly, "Extend marriage rights to all," Daily Mississippian, December 3, 2003
A new series of bus shelter posters around Sydney is designed to prod people into thinking about the hidden advantages possessed by straights, simply by virtue of their sexuality. Part of the 2001 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival, the works show how most advertising in society is secretly advertising heterosexuality, says visual artist and designer Deborah Kelly. ... Ms Kelly said she thought some the most likely people to be offended by the work were straight supremacists'', or people who didn't want to be confronted by it.
— "Hey Hetero! You're Pervasive," Sydney Morning Herald, February 9, 2001
Earliest Citation:
It does not make sense automatically to exclude the possibility of sexual and emotional relationships with half the population. Nevertheless that is what a majority of people do, and it is lesbians and gay men who pay the price. Homosexuals have to suffer denigration so that those heterosexuals who are insecure about their sexual identity can feel superior in their relationships with the opposite sex. Queers tend to be more generous than straight supremacists.
— Peter Tatchell, "A gayer place than you think," The Independent (London, England), January 24, 1994
This phrase is a play on white supremacist (1959), a person who believes that Caucasians are innately superior to other races and so should rule over them. Two synonyms for straight supremacist are heterosexual supremacist (1994) and hetero-supremacist (1991). Other supremacist types that I've come across are black supremacist, veggie supremacist, gender supremacist, male supremacist, religious supremacist, Western supremacist, and Islamic supremacist. Thanks to subscriber James Callan for passing along this phrase.
Related Words:
breeder voyeur
Gay and Lesbian

New words. 2013.