
IT rage
(eye.TEE rayg)
Extreme anger directed at computers and technology, particularly as a result of frustrations caused by a company's information technology policies or staff.
Example Citation:
"In focus groups, we were repeatedly told about something that people described as IT rage,' said John Pickett, editor and publisher of CIO Canada. That rage results from employees being asked to work with technology they don't understand, were not properly trained for or that is ill-suited for their tasks, he suggested."
— Jill Vardy, "Technology creating 'IT rage' in workplace," The National Post, January 17, 2001
Earliest Citation:
Both the BBC and The Scotsman are currently involved in major computer upgrades which gobble up vast amounts of staff time and money only a few years after the last IT upheaval. IT rage has become the defining characteristic of contemporary corporate life.
— Iain Macwhirter, "Surf Me to Your Leader," The Scotsman, April 30, 1998
The abbreviation IT — short for information technology — is easily confused with the word it, so researching this phrase was difficult. However, it looks as though it only goes back to 1998, which is surprising since people have been tossing computer monitors out the window (or at least fantasizing about it) for a lot longer than that.
Related Words:
air rage
checkout-line rage
dot-com rage
gallery rage
go postal
hedge rage
IT rage
rage rage
road rage
stress puppy
stress portfolio
technology-related anxiety
trade rage
Web rage
work rage
wrap rage
zoo rage
Computers (General)
Anger and Anxiety

New words. 2013.