
An online record of a person's daily activities, either via direct video feed or via aggregating the person's online content such as blog posts, social network updates, and online photos.
lifestreamer n.
lifestream v., n.
Example Citations:
Facebook have now made it possible to load all these other websites directly into your Facebook profiles. Now users can display their blog posts from their blog, they can display the drunken pics that they uploaded to Flickr, show the embarassing videos they have from their YouTube profile and so much more. In the world where people never pledge full allegiance to one site, it made sense to drag display them all in a single scrapbook. This is the idea behind 'lifestreaming' and is a dream come true for those that gloriously show off every facet of their life and the millions of lurkers who are willing to tune into such dross.
Lifestreaming, like the movie Being John Malkovich, will allow you to climb inside the head of someone and experience their day via a digital smorgasboard of public text messages, blog posts, GPS-tagged photos and (thanks to mobile broadband and tiny videocameras) a live video stream of them as they move around their world.
—Damien Mulley, "Being Damien Mulleyvitch," Sunday Tribune, July 22, 2007
They are lifestreamers, who have been simulcasting their lives 24 hours a day. Why? Because it's there. They'd already been blogging, Twittering, Facebooking, Flickring, podcasting and YouTubing their lives. Live video was merely their next frontier. ...
This means that we in the audience may not see the news on the BBC's or CNN's sites or shows; we may see it on the witnesses' blogs via embeddable players from services such as uStream.tv and Justin.tv, which enable lifestreaming.
—Jeff Jarvis, "Yes, news-gathering is now purse-sized," The Guardian, July 16, 2007
Earliest Citation:
Here are some of the really new ideas for the information highway that software specialists are thinking about:
\#Lifestreams: I don't want to save bits of paper any more, nor computer disks nor videotapes, nor do I wish to care about whether my home computer is compatible with my office computer, or about any other such boring and preposterous compatibility questions, or lug a laptop computer with me on trips, or be out of touch anywhere I go. Nor do I want to organize my computer documents into "files," nor be obliged to make up silly names every time I create documents. I want software to pay my bills and prepare tax returns at the push of a button, with zero input from me. I want my life to be perfectly organized, and I want to spend no time whatsoever organizing it. In short, I want a "lifestream."
Your "lifestream" captures your whole life, in terms of chunks of information: letters, documents, bills, bank statements, video footage of your son's first birthday party, a database, anything. Imagine a queue of documents laid out neatly on (say) the living room floor — only the queue might be tens of thousands of documents long, and it exists only as chunks floating in the void.
—David Gelernter, "The cyber-road not taken," The Washington Post,
April 3, 1994
Many thanks to Elisabeth Freeman for pointing me in the right direction for the earliest citation.
Related Words:
hint fiction
peep culture

New words. 2013.