
The biological mother of an adopted child. Also: biomom.
Example Citations:
To lose a parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose and find a mother in the same week looks downright irresponsible.
But this is the predicament of April Epner, unassuming grade-school teacher, age 39. No sooner does April's adoptive mother pass away than her bio-mom comes forward.
—Carrie Rickey, "Mother-daughterhood movie tests limits of maternal bond," The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 2, 2008
Elizabeth Church, a psychologist and professor at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax and author of Understanding Stepmothers, says that in films and literature, "the only good stepmother was almost a servant."
Well, that makes sense to anyone who has stepmothered. Biomom gets all the credit, homemade cards and breakfast in bed. Smom — a word for stepmom that sounds appropriately beleaguered — gets to do another load of laundry.
—Sarah Hampson, "Happy under-appreciation day: Celebrating the stepmom," The Globe and Mail, May 8, 2008
Earliest Citation:
She has a place in our lives but it doesn't happen to be at our dinner table. Someday, he may want to go find her. She is, after all, his biological mother. Bio moms we call them in adoption circles.
—Jane Leavy, "My Baby and Baby M," The Washington Post, March 22, 1987
Related Words:
alpha mom
hockey mom
mom cave
mommy card
security mom
soccer mom
stay-at-work mom
tiger mother
Twilight mom
waitress mom
Pregnancy and Parenting

New words. 2013.