
Dating that emphasizes intelligence, particularly by attending lectures, readings, or other cultural events. Also: intelli-dating. [Blend of intelligent and dating.]
intellidate n.
Example Citations:
Call it the courtship equivalent to the slow-food movement. Call it a backlash against point and click matchmaking. Whichever, intellidating — an unhurried, decidedly highbrow approach to mating — is catching on in Boston, New York, Toronto and beyond ...
Intellidating is also a boon for the shy. In contrast to speed-dating, which demands rigidly timed discussions about pretty much whatever pops to mind, events such as lectures and viewings offer built-in conversational pegs.
And, as London relationship coach Michael Myerscough says, it takes the "stress of performance" off of dating, since most intellidating unfolds over many hours in a less love-me-now-or-leave-me environment than the bar scene or a jittery fix-up dinner.
—Dana Gornitzki, "Notes from the field: intellidating," The Globe and Mail, October 28, 2006
There's a new dating trend for busy people who want to narrow the pool.
On a busy Friday night in Boston, young singles are out on the town. Restaurants, pubs and clubs are filled with young people hoping to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right.
One place that may look like a typical after work hotspots is actually the Museum of Fine Arts.
The singles go the museum to share their love of art, but that's not all.
They may not even realize it, but many of the people are part of a growing trend called "intellidating." They are singles who would rather discuss art and architecture than beer and bar-hopping.
—Paula Ebben, "New Dating Trend For Busy People: Intellidating," CBS 4 Boston, December 9, 2005
Earliest Citation:
The [Royal Geographical Society], once home to deadbeats and bores, has become a popular destination for romantic couples. Its Intelligence Squared debates are at the vanguard of " intellidating" — an emerging trend in London for more cerebral dates.
From debates and poetry readings to art fairs and wine lectures, savvy Londoners are eschewing cocktails and a taxi fumble in favour of a more rarefied seduction. "It's nice to do something where you are not stuck glaring at each other over supper for two hours," says writer Esther Walker, 25, an intellidating regular. "You are with someone who believes all your brain cells are functioning and not only the ones that tell you how to put on lipstick and high heels."
—Sebastien Shakespeare, "Want romance? Go on an intelli-date," Evening Standard (London), November 2, 2005
Related Words:
leather spinster
love beeper
niche dating
rescue call
situational intimacy
speed dating
toxic bachelor
Marriage and Relationships
Men and Women

New words. 2013.