
Grade of king's messenger junior to the *nuncius regis and who travelled on foot. The term was first used in the *rolls c.1251. Initially, they were simply a spare pair of hands from the kitchens, used as casual messengers. Later, they were recognised as a group known as cokini or coquini. Being casual labour, they cost less than the full-time nuncius. Their pay was 2d a day, and they were not initially included in the annual distribution of *livery. On occasion, when they were in the company of a nuncius, a horse might be used. They came to be known as cursores when the association with the kitchens was felt undignified; the name cursor [Lat. = a runner] also had the advantage of suggesting speed and proficiency. Some cokini remained in service for 10 or 20 years; others were promoted to nuncius. Their numbers varied greatly from year to year, e.g. depending on whether there was a war being fought, in which case their numbers might increase to 40 or so. In time, they were given new cloaks and shoes annually: working for the king meant wearing his livery. [< Lat. coquinus = things to do with cooking, also a market where cooks were hired] -
Cf. Kitchener

Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases. .