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Relating to, or having, two sides. [bi- + L. latus, side]
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bi·lat·er·al (')bī-'lat-ə-rəl, -'la-trəl adj
1) of, relating to, or affecting the right and left sides of the body or the right and left members of paired organs <\bilateral nephrectomy> <\bilateral tumors of the adrenal glands>
2) having bilateral symmetry
bi·lat·er·al·ism -.iz-əm n
bi·lat·er·al·ly (')bī-'lat-ə-rə-lē, -'la-trə-lē adv
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(in anatomy) relating to or affecting both sides of the body or of a tissue or organ or both of a pair of organs (e.g. the eyes, breasts, or ovaries).
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bi·lat·er·al (bi-latґər-əl) [bi- + lateral] having two sides, or pertaining to both sides.Medical dictionary. 2011.