
1) Having to do with a structure that is a vestibule (entrance), such as the vestibule of the ear. 2) Having to do with the body’s system for maintaining equilibrium.
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Relating to a vestibule, especially the vestibule of the ear. SYN: vestibularis.

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ves·tib·u·lar ve-'stib-yə-lər adj
1) of or relating to the vestibule of the inner ear, the vestibular system, the vestibular nerve, or the labyrinthine sense <\vestibular impulses>
2) lying within or facing the vestibule of the mouth <the \vestibular surface of a tooth>
ves·tib·u·lar·ly adv

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ves·tib·u·lar (ves-tibґu-lər) [L. vestibularis] 1. pertaining to or toward a vestibule. 2. in dental anatomy, pertaining to the tooth surface directed toward the vestibule of the mouth; see facies vestibularis dentis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.