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1. Clinical manifestations observed during certain infectious diseases, assumed to be caused by toxins and other noxious substances elaborated by the infectious agent; in certain infections by Gram-negative bacteria, endotoxins probably play a role when the bacterial cell wall breaks down, releasing a complex lipopolysaccharide; however, the role of other bacterial substances is unclear, except in the case of the specific exotoxins such as those of diphtheria and tetanus. 2. The clinical syndrome caused by toxic substances in the blood. 3. A lay term referring to the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. SYN: toxicemia. [G. toxikon, poison, + haima, blood]
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tox·e·mia or chiefly Brit tox·ae·mia täk-'sē-mē-ə n an abnormal condition associated with the presence of toxic substances in the blood: as
a) a generalized intoxication due to absorption and systemic dissemination of bacterial toxins from a focus of infection
b) intoxication due to dissemination of toxic substances (as some by-products of protein metabolism) that cause functional or organic disturbances (as in the kidneys)
tox·e·mic or chiefly Brit tox·ae·mic -mik adj
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tox·emia (tok-seґme-ə) [tox- + -emia] any condition resulting from the spread of toxins or toxic bacterial products by the bloodstream. toxemic adjMedical dictionary. 2011.