
ec·tro·pi·on ek-'trō-pē-.än, -pē-ən n an abnormal turning out of a part (as an eyelid)

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turning out of the eyelid, away from the eyeball. The commonest type is senile ectropion, in which the lower eyelid droops because of laxity of the eyelid in old age. If the muscle that closes the eye (orbicularis oculi) is paralysed the lower lid also droops. Ectropion may also occur if scarring causes contraction of the surrounding facial skin.

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ec·tro·pi·on (ek-troґpe-on) [Gr. “an everted eyelid”; ektropē a turning aside] 1. eversion (def. 1). 2. specifically, eversion of the eyelid, resulting in exposure of the palpebral conjunctiva.


Medical dictionary. 2011.