
cit·rus 'si-trəs n, often attrib
1) cap a genus of often thorny trees and shrubs of the rue family (Rutaceae) grown in warm regions for their edible fruit (as the orange, lemon, lime, or mandarin) with firm usu. thick rind and pulpy flesh
2) pl citruses or citrus any plant or fruit of the genus Citrus or a related genus

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Cit·rus (sitґrəs) [L.] the citrus fruits, a genus of trees of the family Rutaceae, widely cultivated for their fruit. Several of the fruits are rich in vitamin C and are sources of flavorings; see specific fruits. C. aurantifoґlia is the lime; C. auranґtium L. is the bitter orange; C. bergaґmia is the bergamot; C. liґmon is the lemon; and C. sinenґsis is the sweet orange.

Medical dictionary. 2011.