
Any agent that is destructive to spermatozoa (that is, kills sperm). Nonoxynol-9 is the most commonly encountered spermatocide in the United States. (The nonoxynols, technically speaking, are nonionic surfactant [surface active] mixtures that vary in the number of repeating ethoxy groups.) They are much used as detergents, emulsifiers, wetting and defoaming agents, etc. Nonoxynol-9 has 9 repeating ethoxy groups and is the active component of most vaginal foams and creams.
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An agent destructive to spermatozoa. SYN: spermicide. [spermato- + L. caedo, to kill]

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sper·mato·cide (.)spər-'mat-ə-.sīd n SPERMICIDE
sper·mato·cid·al (.)spər-.mat-ə-'sīd-əl adj

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sper·ma·to·cide (spər-matґo-sīd″) spermicide.

Medical dictionary. 2011.