
The development of detectable antibodies in the blood directed against an infectious agent. It normally takes some time for antibodies to develop after the initial exposure to the agent. Following seroconversion, a person tests positive in tests based on the presence of antibodies (such as ELISA).
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Development of detectable specific antibodies in the serum as a result of infection or immunization.

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se·ro·con·ver·sion .sir-ō-kən-'vər-zhən, .ser-ō- n the production of antibodies in response to an antigen
se·ro·con·vert -'vərt vi

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se·ro·con·ver·sion (sēr″o-kən-vurґzhən) [sero- + conversion] the change of a patient's serologic test results from negative to positive, indicating development of antibodies in response to infection or immunization.

Medical dictionary. 2011.