
An oily secretion of the sebaceous gland which helps to preserve the flexibility of the hair.
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The secretion of the sebaceous glands. [L. tallow]

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se·bum 'sēb-əm n fatty lubricant matter secreted by sebaceous glands of the skin

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the oily substance secreted by the sebaceous gland and reaching the skin surface through small ducts that lead into the hair follicles. Sebum provides a thin film of fat over the skin, which slows the evaporation of water; it also has an antibacterial effect.

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se·bum (seґbəm) [L. “suet”] the secretion of the sebaceous glands, a thick, semifluid substance composed of fat and epithelial debris from the cells of the malpighian layer. Called also cutaneous s.

Medical dictionary. 2011.