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Resembling an arrow; in the line of an arrow shot from a bow, i.e., in an anteroposterior direction; referring to a s. plane or direction. SYN: sagittalis [TA]. [L. sagitta, an arrow]
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sag·it·tal 'saj-ət-əl adj
1) of, relating to, or being the sagittal suture of the skull
2) of, relating to, situated in, or being the median plane of the body or any plane parallel to it <a \sagittal section dividing the body into unequal right and left parts>
sag·it·tal·ly adv
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describing the dorsoventral plane that extends down the long axis of the body, dividing it into right and left halves.
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sag·it·tal (sajґĭ-təl) [L. sagittalis; sagitta arrow] 1. shaped like or resembling an arrow; straight. 2. situated in the plane of the sagittal suture or parallel to it; said of an anteroposterior plane or section parallel to the median plane of the body.Medical dictionary. 2011.